• Joy of Music – Plus de 250 ans de qualité, innovation et tradition
2-3 Tage
Numéro du produit: WER 64442
16,50 €
TTC, hors expédition
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Détails du produit


The music of Iranian composer Elnaz Seyedi challenges the listener to discover multi-layered and subtle sounds, often at the limit of perception. According to Dirk Wieschollek in the booklet text, Seyedi's compositions are characterized by the simultaneous presence of opposites: “the widely separated registers of the instruments, and the tension between fragment and continuum, development and stasis, tonal abstraction and enigmatic relationships to extra-musical content.”
Borrowings from poetry, which often form the intellectual breeding ground of her works, are particularly striking, such as in “Nach neuen Meeren” for clarinet and accordion, written for and interpreted by the Zöllner-Roche duo. It was based on the homonymous poem by Friedrich Nietzsche. The painting “The Sun” by Edvard Munch in turn inspired Seyedi to create the ensemble work “a sun of one's own”. The finest colour gradations and an imperceptible brightening are reproduced here by the Kommas Ensemble.
In addition to traditional instruments, the composer also experiments with unusual sound producers such as spatulas of different sizes and pitches in the musical-scenic work “PS-nach Spuren” in collaboration with the composer Ehsan Khatibi, which is integrated into this portrait as an online video. Special instruments by the pioneer of microtonality Harry Partch can be heard in Ensemble Musikfabrik's interpretation of “fragments inside”.


Nach neuen Meeren for clarinet and accordion
Sense of a possibility for harp and cello
absolute snow for clarinet, horn and cello
fragments inside for flute, clarinet, horn, piano, viola, double bass and 4 Harry Partch’s Canons
a sun of one's own for bass clarinet, bassoon, French horn, violin, viola, cello and double bass


Zöllner-Roche-Duo (Heather Roche: clarinet / Eva Zöllner: accordion) / Alice Belugou: harp / David Eggert: cello / Trio Aventure / Ensemble Musikfabrik / conductor: Gregor A. Mayrhofer / Kommas Ensemble / conductor: Lautaro Mura Fuentealba

Plus d'infos

a sun of one's own
Maison d'édition:
69 ′56 ′′

Détails techniques

Numéro du produit:
WER 64442
0,1 kg

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