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Matériel en location / d'exécution

Fantastic Mr. Fox

Opera in three acts
Libretto by Donald Sturrock
Edition: Matériel d'exécution

Détails du produit


A modern fable, Fantastic Mr. Fox is a story about good vs. evil, animal vs. human, and nature vs. technology. With the help of the other creatures of the forest, Mr. Fox must outwit his enemies to keep his family safe. Mr. Fox finds that he may have stolen one hen too many from the henhouse, as the meanest farmers anywhere — Boggis, Bunce, and Bean (one fat, one short, one lean) — conspire to rid their lands of the Fox family once and for all. The Foxes are able to evade capture with the help of some woodland friends, leaving the farmers laying in wait while the animals help themselves to the fruit of the farmers’ lands. Having had their revenge, the animals return for a sumptuous feast far from danger in the Foxes‘ new home, while the farmers continue to wait in the rain.
The opera is available in a singable German version as well.

Orchestral Cast

2(1.afl,2.pic).2(2.ca).2(2.bcl).2(2.cbsn)-, xyl, vib, mar, crash cym, cym (pair), h.h, 2gongs, s.d, low dr, 6toms, b.d, 2tempbl)-hp.pno-str(

Programmation des personnes

Fantastic Mr. Fox · baritone - Mrs. Fox · mezzo-soprano - Bennie, Lennie, Jennie & Pennie Foxcub · children - Farmer Boggis · bass - Farmer Bunce · tenor - Farmer Bean · bass-baritone - Mavis the Tractor · soprano - Agnes the Digger · mezzo-soprano - Miss Hedgehog · soprano - Badger the Miner · baritone - Burrowing Mole · tenor - Rita the Rat · mezzo-soprano - Porcupine · tenor - Chorus of Trees · Children - Various Geese and Chickens

Plus d'infos

Fantastic Mr. Fox
Opera in three acts
Libretto by Donald Sturrock
based on the book by Roald Dahl
German version by Frank Wenzel
Allemand, Anglais
Matériel d'exécution
Maison d'édition:
Schott Music
Year of composition:
80 ′
9 décembre 1998 · Los Angeles, CA (USA)
Musikalische Leitung: Peter Ash
Inszenierung: Donald Sturrock · Kostüme: Gerald Scarfe · Bühnenbild: Gerald Scarfe
Travaux commandés :
Commissioned for the Los Angeles Opera by Felicity Dahl

Détails techniques

Numéro du produit:
LSHM 30013-01
Droits de livraison:
Pour le monde entier

Preview/Media Contents



Par ordre croissant
  • Fantastic Mr. Fox
    Orchestre: Signature Symphony
    27 janvier 2018 | Tulsa, OK (États-Unis d'Amérique) , TCC Van Trease PAC
  • Fantastic Mr. Fox
    Chef d'orchestre: Gil Rose
    Orchestre: Boston Modern Orchestra Project; Odyssey Opera
    7 décembre 2014 | Boston, MA (États-Unis d'Amérique) , Jordan Hall
  • Fantastic Mr. Fox
    Chef d'orchestre: Peter Ash
    9 décembre 1998 | Los Angeles, CA (États-Unis d'Amérique) , Opera — Première mondiale
  • Par ordre croissant


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